Wednesday 5 March 2014

John 2"On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples; a banquet of aged wine - the best of meats and the finest of wines." 
Isaiah 25:6 (NIV) 

I love the story of the miracle of the wine. On the negative side of my enjoyment of this story: as a teenager I enjoyed hearing Baptist teachers squirm around the steward congratulating our Lord on the quality of the wine that He had miraculously provided for those who had already drank too much to know or care what they were drinking. On the positive side of my enjoyment of this story: this miracle reminds me that Jesus of Nazareth is the LORD Almighty and He is the best wine Maker that ever made wine!

I am planning on being on that mountain on which death is destroyed; I hope you are there as well! I am planning on sitting at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb; I hope you are there as well! I am planning on drinking wine with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for He told us that He would not drink of the fruit of the vine again, until the kingdom of God comes (Lk 22:18).

Friend, make no mistake - Isaiah 25 is describing the future kingdom of God, not the “invisible” kingdom that we are a part of now, but the physical kingdom of God on the new earth, with all sin, all pain, all wickedness, all death gone forever! Oh friend, I look forward to that blessed Day. The miracle of the wine at the feast in Cana, was a fore ‘taste’ of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. May I point out to you that drinking wine in the kingdom - where sin is gone, and we have new bodies, where there is no alcoholism or drunkenness – drinking there will be a lot different than drinking here in this fallen world. The lists are long of the cases where drinking on earth brought disgrace and tears to those who drank to excess, or to those who love them. But in the kingdom there will be no more disgrace and no more tears.

Come Lord Jesus Come.

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