Thursday 3 October 2013

Mark 9:1-29

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
Mark 9:23, 24 (NIV)

The father’s problem is identical to the problem the Israelites had when they looked over the promised land (Nu 14): a lack of belief! The father had enough belief to bring his son to be healed, but after seeing the disciples try and fail, he was no longer sure of that Jesus had the power to deliver his son. 

I have prayed this prayer before: “I do believe; help me to overcome my unbelief.” Without faith I can’t please God. Without faith I can’t enter the rest that God has prepared for me in Christ Jesus. Without faith I can’t move forward in my relationship with Christ Jesus. I am saved through faith; I am healed through faith and I gain victory through faith, because faith is the conduit of God’s grace and power into my life. 

This man’s unbelief was centered on the person of Christ. He was no longer sure that Jesus was able, because men had let him down. It is amazing how quick unbelief enters us when we look at the people around us instead of looking at the Lord Jesus and focusing our minds on Him. Doubts and random thoughts of unbelief are weapons our enemy uses against us. Our only defense is to pray this prayer: “I do believe; help me to overcome my unbelief.”

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