Tuesday 20 May 2014

Matthew 25:14-25

"Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man." 
Galatians 2:22 (NIV) 

Are we allowed to think of females as gifts from our Creator God to males? Is that sexist for me to think that way, or to write those thoughts down? I can see my daughters rolling their eyes thinking the “old” man is revealing his male chauvinist self again. I won’t deny that I approach the topic of male female relationship through my own slightly warped view point - but to think of females as a gift from our Creator God to males is actually BIBLICAL thinking! Not only in the creation account, but also in Nathan’s rebuke of David for not being satisfied with whom God gave him.

To understand females as a gift from the Only True King to us, is to have a biblical view of the females in our lives, and puts the onus on us to honour our King by treating His gift to us properly. A society that denigrates their females by refusing them education and involvement in the workforce stops their society from advancing at every level. That society is the servant of the King who hid the King’s gift in the ground.

So it is with us personally – do we honour the gift the King gives us or do we bury them in a hole? A male who wants the King’s will done in their lives, treats his girlfriend with purity; he refuses to look at women as objects of his sexual desires, and instead treats them with a pure love. A male who wants the King’s will done in his life, honours his mother; he refuses to despise her as she grows old, and instead honours and cares for her. A male who wants the King’s will done in his life, treats the females around him at school, at work and in the neighbourhood, in the same way his King treated the females around Him. He respects them as individuals and helps them wherever he can. A male who wants the King’s will done in his life, treats his wife with respect and love. He loves her as Christ loves the church (he purposefully sets his life aside for her benefit). He leads her as Christ leads the church (gently whispering in her ear - never forcing her to do anything).

Females are a gift to males from God, and God is watching and waiting to see how we will receive and treat this most precious gift. Will we dig a hole and bury females in our society and our lives (Nigeria and Judges)? Or will we lift them up and place them on a pedestal (how about on a moon with the sun shining all around them - Rev 12:1)? Oh friend, if we as males would realize the biblical truth of viewing females as gifts of God to males, it should completely change the way we think and act towards them, and that would completely change our homes and societies.

Let us start by sincerely thanking God for them!

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